Flower Delivery Service
Next Day Delivery
Orders for next day delivery must be received by 1pm.
Delivery Times
- 9:00am - 5:00 pm Monday to Friday.
- 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Saturday.
Unfortunately we do not deliver on Sundays. If an order is received for a Sunday it will be delivered the next working day.
Delivery Charges
- Local delivery £3.50 (BR8)
- £5.50 (DA1,DA2, DA3, DA4, DA5,BR5, BR6)
- £7.50 (DA6, DA7, DA9, DA10)
Delivery Areas
Our flower delivery areas and charges are based on the postcode and include the following locations:
BR8 - Hextable, Farningham, Crockenhill, Hawley, Ruxley, Sutton at Hone, Swanley, Swanley Village, Wilmington.
DA1 - Dartford, Crayford
DA2 - Dartford, Stone, Wilmington, Bean, Hawley, Darenth, joydenswood
DA3 - Longfield, Hartley, New Ash Green, New Barn
DA4 - Farningham, Enysford, South Darenth, Sutton at Hone, Horton Kirby
DA5 - Bexley, Bexley Village, Joyden’s Wood
BR5 - Petts Wood, st Mary’s Cray, St. Paul’s cray
BR6 - Orpington, Pratt’s bottom
DA6 - Bexleyheath
DA7 - Bexleyheath, Barnehurst
DA9 - Greenhithe, Stone
DA10 - Swanscombe,Ebbsfleet